Wednesday, December 30, 2015


   Topographic anatomy and operative surgery of head and neck

1. Topographic anatomy of brain department of the head (fronto-parieto-occipital, temporal, mastoid regions).

Brain department is divided into skull fornix and skull base
(internal and external surfaces are distinguished in each of them).
Border between skull fornix and skull base passes through external
occipital tuber, upper nuchal line, base of mastoid process,
infratemporal crest.
Following regions are located within the bounds of skull fornix:
fronto-parieto-occipital (unpaired), temporal (paired) and mastoid
(paired). Mastoid region is a part of skull base, but on character and
layer-by-layer topography it does not differ from other areas of skull
fornix and is studied together with them.

Fronto-parieto-occipital region
Borders: in front – supraorbital edge of frontal bone and glabella,
from behind – upper nuchal line, from outside – superior temporal line.
Layer-by-layer topography
Skin is thick, сovered by hair with plenty of sudoriferous and sebaceous glands.
Subcutaneous fat is evident and divided into cells by vertical
intersections containing connective tissue fibres, which go from the
skin to underlying layer – epicranial aponeurosis. Basic vessels pass in
this layer. Hemorrhage and inflammatory processes are straightly
Epicranial aponeurosis (galea aponeurotica) is a tendinous plate
located between frontal and occipital belly of occipitofrontal muscle.
Prolongation of it in lateral departments of the head is superficial fascia
of temporal region. Fascial intersections wich pass in subcutaneous fat
provide strong connection of epicranial aponeurosis with the skin. Due
to this fact and great mobility of galea aponeurotica (as it separated
from periosteum by light fat), "scalping" type wound often occures in
this region.

Subaponeurotic fat tissue is light (not solid) fat without
intersections. Hemorrhage and inflammatory processes in this layer
have diffuse character, distribute within the limits of the region.
Periosteum grows together with a bone in places of sutures. At all
the rest distance it is separated from them by light fat.
Subperiosteal fat is well developed thanks to the fact that
periosteum is easily scaled from the bone. Hemorrhage and
inflammatory processes in this layer are separated as periosteum grows
together with a bone and doesn't give an opportunity for distribution of
the processes.
Bones of skull fornix consist of external and internal plates,
between which spongy substance – diploe is located. Internal plate has
smaller radius of curvature than external (and consequently more
fragile). It is called vitreous plate. Diploic veins are located in spongy
Dura mater consists of two layers and forms venous sinuses.

Temporal region
Borders of temporal region correspond to limits of distribution of
temporal muscle.

Layer-by-layer topography
Skin is thin, mobile in front departments of the region and denser
in back.
Subcutaneous fat is not significantly expressed. Superficial
temporal artery passes here.
Superficial fascia is prolongation of epicranial aponeurosis.
Temporal (proper) fascia is dense aponeurotic plate. It begins
from superior temporal line and attaches to anterior and posterior
surface of zygomatic arch by superficial and deep layers (it is divided
into two layers in lower third of the region).
Interaponeurotic fat space is located between layers of proper
fascia. Medial temporal artery passes here.
Subaponeurotic fat space is better developed in lower part of the
rigion. Lower than zygomatic arch and zygomatic bone it passes into
fat body of cheek.
Temporal muscle begins from inferior temporal line and passes in
a powerful tendon behind zygomatic arch, which is attached to
coronoid process and anterior edge of lower jaw. Deep temporal artery
and nerve pass through it.
Temporal osteomuscular space is presented by the layer of light
Periosteum is connected with a bone in lower department of the
region, in other parts there is small layer of subperiosteal fat under it.
Temporal bone is thin (thickness is not more than 2 mm), without diploe. Besides, it is necessary to remember, that medial meningeal
artery is adjacent to internal surface of the bone. So the injuries of
temporal bone are dangerous and can be accompanied by artery rupture
with subsequent profuse bleeding and epidural hematoma.

Mastoid region
Borders correspond to location of mastoid process of temporal
Layer-by-layer topography
Skin is thin, not mobile.
Subcutaneous fat is not significantly expressed. Superficial fascia and posterior auricular muscle are located there.
Superficial fascia
Proper fascia
Muscles which are attached to mastoid process
(sternocleidomastoid muscle, splenius muscle of head, posterior
ventricle of digastric muscle, longissimus muscle of head).
Periosteum is densely attached to the bone except of smooth
triangular platform corresponding to trephine Shipos' triangle. Due to
subperiosteal fat Periosteum easely scales of from the bone in this
place. Borders of Shipos' triangle: upper – prolongation of the upper
edge of zygomatic arch, anterior – external edge of acustic duct,
posterior – mastoid crest.
Bone has cellular structure. Several types of mastoid process
distinguish uppon degree of development of these cells: pneumatic
(much cells in all bone), sclerotic (few cells in all bone) and mixed.
Mastoid antrum is the largest cell, which is connected with cavity of
middle ear. Therefore at purulent otitis, arising more often at children,
as complication after a grip, measles, scarlatina, pus can penetrate from
middle ear into cells of the bone (mastoiditis). This fact also is
promoted by structure of mastoid process (at children remindes spongy
substance of bones of skull fornix).

2. Topographic anatomy of face department of the head (deep and parotidomasseteric regions).

Parotidomasseteric region
Borders: upper – zygomatic arch, lower – lower edge of mandible,
anterior – anterior edge of masseter muscle, posterior – posterior edge
of lower jaw branch.
Layer-by-layer topography
Skin is thin, flexible, covered with hair at men.
Subcutaneous fat is well developed, pierced by fascial
intersections, located between skin and proper fascia. Superficial fascia
divides subcutaneous fat into two layers. Branches of facial nerve pass
in a deep layer of fat.
Proper (parotidomasseteric fascia) forms a capsule for parotid
salivary gland and covers the chewing muscle.
Parotid salivary gland places mostly in retromandible fossa.
Proper fascia forms capsule for the gland and divides it into lobules by
fascial intersections. There are two weak places in parotid salivary
gland. The first one is located in the upper part nearby external acoustic
meatus, where the gland and its capsule is pierced with lymphatic vessels. Another one corresponds to pharyngeal process (medial part of
the gland) – the region which is not covered by fascia and
communicates with peripharyngeal space. This fact explains an
opportunity pus distribution from parotid salivary gland into
peripharyngeal space and external acoustic meatus at purulent parotitis
or penetration of pyoinflammatory process from external ear into the
glands. External carotid artery and its terminal branches, retromandible
vein, auriculotemporal and facial nerve, superficial and deep parotid lymph nodes pass in glands bed. Facial nerve there is divided into 5
groups of branches: temporal, zygomatic, buccal, cervical and terminal
branch of lower jaw.
Excretory duct of parotid salivary gland is located in a horizontal
direction in parallel and below to zygomatic arch, on external surface
of masseter muscle. At anterior edge of the muscle duct turns inside
under a direct corner, perforates buccal muscle and opens in vestibule
of mouth between the first and second upper molars.
Masseter muscle.
Massetericomandibular osteofibrous space.
Branch of lower jaw.

Deep regions of the face
Deep region of the face can be seen after branch of lower jaw,
masseter muscle and zygomatic arch removal. The region represents
space bounded laterally by the lower jaw, from the front – by maxillary
tuber, medially – by pterygoid process of sphenoid bone, from above –
by basis of the skull. It is filled by muscles (lateral and medial pterygoid, temporal muscles), fat, vessels and nerves.
Two interfascial fat compartments are located in this region:
1. pterygotemporal space (between lateral pterygoid and temporal
muscles) – contains maxillary artery and its branches and
numerous veins, which form pterygoid venous plexus;
2. interpterygoid space (between lateral and medial pterygoid
muscles) – contains pterygoid venous plexus, maxillary artery and
its branches and mandibular nerve.
Pterygotemporal space communicates with:
 fat body of cheek and pterygopalatine fossa;
 skull cavity – through round foramen;
 orbital cavity – through inferior orbital fissure;
 nasal cavity – through pterygopalatine foramen;
 oral cavity – through greater palatine canal.
Interpterygoid space communicates with:
 pterygotemporal and peripharyngeal spaces;  skull cavity – through oval and spinous foramens;
 floor of oral cavity – upon lingual nerve.

3. Topography and projections of vessels and nerves of the head. Topographic anatomy of venous system of the head. Anastomoses between superficial and intracranial veins of the head, practical significance. 2

Venous system of skull fornix
Venous system of skull fornix is well developed and settles down
in three floors.
 The first floor is presented by subcutaneus veins of the head,
which go together with same arteries. Venous outflow from them
goes into external jugular vein and internal jugular vein by facial
and retromandibular veins.
 The second floor – diploic veins, which are located in flat bones
of the skull.
 The third floor is presented by intracranial venous sinuses of dura
mater of the brain.
All three floors are connected among themselves by emissary
veins. The largest emissary veins are located in occipital, parietal and
mastoid bones and go through small apertures in skull fornix. In case of
purulent inflamation of soft tissues septic thrombosis of subcutaneus
veins can occur. It results to retrograde ouflow of infected blood uppon
emissary veins into sinuses of dura mater with subsequent thrombosis
of them, development of meningitis and meningoencephalitis.

Venous system of face department of the head
Normal venous outflow from face department of the head is done
by facial (from front region) and retromandible (from lateral region)
veins to internal jugular vein. Facial vein also has anastomoses with
superior orbital vein by angular vein (blood outflows into cavernous
sinus) and pterygoid venous plexus by deep facial vein. Pterygoid
venous plexus links with facial, retromandible (main outflow), inferioir
orbital veins and cavernous sinus by medial meningeal and emissary
In cases of inflammatory diseases of the face a septic thrombosis of
facial vein may reveal, it leads to retrograde outflow of venous blood
into orbital cavity and pterygoid venous plexus, and then to cavernous
sinus, resulting in meningitis or its thrombosis.


4. Surgical d-bridement of wounds (penetrating and not penetrating) of the head. Ways of arrest of bleeding from vessels of soft tissues, diploic veins, venous sinuses.

Initial surgical d-bridement of wounds of the head
The wounds of skull fornix can be not penetrating (without
damage of dura mater) and penetrating (with damage of dura mater).
They also can be classified as open (skin is injured) and closed (skin is
not injured).
Stages of initial surgical d-bridement:
 Economical excision of soft tissues taking into account anatomic
features of the region: skin is dissected together with subcutaneous
fat and aponeurosis 3-5 mm aside from edges of the wound. Arrest
of bleeding from vessels of soft tissues is done by:
1. digital pressing of soft tissues to the bone (digital occlusion
of vessels);
2. suturing the soft tissues around the wound together with
vessels of subcutaneous fat with thick silk (way of
3. putting on hemostatic forceps (clamps) with subsequent
ligation of vessels;
4. putting on metal surgical staples;
5. electrocoagulation.
 Economical excision of damaged periosteum, removal of foreign
bodies and bony fragments that are not connected with
periosteum. Widening of bone wound with the help of Luer's
forceps. Making its edges even. Arrest of bleeding from diploic vessels of the bone is done by:
1. rubbing-in wax paste;
2. crushing the bone with the help of Luer's forceps with a
purpose to draw together the internal and external plates of
the bone.
 D-bridement of dura mater:
1. at not penetrating wounds and absence of pressure of dura
mater (well pulses) – it is not opened;
2. if subdural hematoma is shining through tense, poorly pulsing
dura mater – it is aspirated through a needle;
3. if hematoma is not aspirated by such way or at penetrating
wounds – crucial incision or section of dura mater in radial
direction is done for operative approach to a wound of the
Strong bleeding from venous sinuses can occur at injuries of dura
mater or during removal of bony fragments that cover wounds of
sinuses. Such bleeding is controled by following methods:
1. putting in sutures on small line wounds;
2. making plastics of a sinus wall with flaps from external layer
of dura mater or femoral fascia, or with a piece of muscle;
3. in case of total rupture tamponade of a sinus by gauze
turunda, which should be removed in 6 days, or ligation of a
sinus is used.
 D-bridement of wound of the brain. Sanation of the wound canal is done by washing away brain detritus and fine foreign bodies by a
jet of warm physiologic saline. Increasing of intracranial pressure
is used for better removal of wound canal contents. In patient
tussiculation or straining effort is ordered if he(she) is operated
under local anaesthesia. Pressing of jugular veins is applied if the
patient is operated under general anesthesia. Arrest of bleeding
from brain vessels is done by:
1. electrocoagulation;
2. filling the wound canal with fibrinogen and thrombin mass.
 Wound closing. Dura mater is sutured by thin silk ligatures. Then
sutures are put on periosteum by thin silk or polymer material. Soft
tissues are connected by silk interrupted sutures.

 5. Operation at injury of medial meningeal artery.

Ligation of medial meningeal artery
Indications: bleeding with formation of epidural hematoma leading
to compression of the brain.
Operative approach is usualy done in place of artery injury.
Approach to the trunk of medial meningeal artery is done (temporal
region) in case of not clear localization.
Stages of operation:
1. arcuate incision of soft tissues with basis directed downwards;
2. section of temporal fascia, interaponeurotic fat and temporal muscle in a vertical direction up to periosteum;
3. formation of osteoperiosteal flap (by general rules) and turning
4. ligation of artery in epidural space (two ligatures on central end,
one on distal);
5. dura mater investigation (subdural hematoma is washing away by
jet of warm physiologic solution in case of its injury);
6. layer-by-layer suturing.

6. Anthrotomy: indications, technique, complications.

Trepanation of mastoid process (anthrоtomia)
Indications: primary or secondary purulent inflammation of
mastoid process.
Stages of operation:
1. section of soft tissues up to the bone 1 cm backwards and across
the line of ear bowl attachment;
2. separation of periosteum from the bone in place of trepanation
3. removal of external wall of mastoid process within the limits of
Shipos' triangle by bone gouge and hammer;
4. destruction of intersections between cells, removal of pus;
5. drainage of bony wound.

Complications occur in case of deviation from the Shipos'
triangle. The surgeon can hurt:
 above – contents of medial cranial fossa;
 from behind – sigmoid sinus;
 in front – facial nerve.

7. Surgical treatment of purulent parotiditis.
Operations at purulent parotiditis
The aim of operation is lancing of purulo-necrotic focus and
wound drainage.
1. skin, subcutaneous fat and glands’ capsule are dissected in a sharp
way according to the course of facial nerve branches (vertical
incision behind the branch of lower jaw is done if purulo-necrotic
focus is located in retromandibular part of parotid salivary gland
or radial incision in a point of maximal fluctuation is done in case
of focus location in parotidomasseteric region);
2. tissues of the gland are disconnected in a blunt way (by forceps or
finger) to prevent injury of facial nerve and other structures
located in glands’ bed;
3. purulo-necrotic focus drainage.

 8. Osteoplastic and decompressive trepanation of the skull. Indications, technique.

Trepanation of skull fornix (craniotomy)
There are two kinds of craniotomy: osteoplastic (single-flap and
double flap), which provides only operative approach for the brain and
decompressive, which is palliative operation including operative
approach and surgical maneuver.
Osteoplastic trepanation
Indications: abscess, hematoma, tumour of the brain.
Stages of double-flap osteoplastic trepanation:
1. formation of fasciocutaneous flap;
2. processing of periosteum (section and displacement of periosteum
in places of subsequent trephine openings and between them);
3. drilling of trephine openings, sawing of the osteal intersections
between the holes and turning back the osteoperiosteal flap with
saving of vascular pedicle of the flap;
4. arcuate incision of dura mater and manipulations on the brain;
5. closing of dura mater defect, putting of osteoperiosteal flap in
initial position and suturing of periosteum, sutures on soft tissues.

The advantages of double-flap osteoplastic trepanation (in
comparison with single-flap) include an opportunity of wide opening of
skull cavity by formation of osteoperiosteal flap of any size and
prevention of fasciocutaneous flap strangulation.

Decompressive trepanation
Decompressive trepanation is palliative operation which is carried
out in case of inoperable tumors of brain, progressive cerebral edema
with the purpose to eliminate or reduce the pain by reduction of
intracranial pressure.
The purpose of operation is to make a defect of the bone and dura
mater in skull fornix. Reduction of intracranial pressure is realized by
bulging of substance of the brain in formed defect. It is often
performed in temporal region but sometimes directly in projection of a
Stages of operation:
1. arcuate incision of skin and subcutaneous fat with basis directed
downwards to the level of zygomatic arch;
2. section of temporal fascia, interaponeurotic fat and temporal
muscle in a vertical direction up to periosteum;
3. section and separation of periosteum from the bone in area of 6
4. drilling of trephine opening with its subsequent dilatation by
Luer's forceps to defect 6х6 cm;
5. crucial incision of dura mater;
6. suturing of temporal muscle and soft tissues of the region.

 9. Classification and topography of fascias of the neck. Practical significance.

Fascias of the neck and their practical significance
Functions of the neck fascias:
 protection;
 fixation;
 promotion of biomechanics (contraction) of muscles;
 separation of fat spaces;
 regulation of blood outflow from the brain because of the veins
are dilated as its wall grows together with fascias (also air
embolism can occur as in case of injury veins do not collapse and
the influence of negative pressure in the chest and right atrium
still exists).
Classification of fascias of the neck
 Classification of fascias of the neck by V.N. Shevkunenko:
1. Superficial fascia of the neck is a part of superficial fascia of
a human body. Covers cutaneous muscle of the neck (m.
2. Superficial layer of propriate fascia of the neck forms
sheaths for sternocleidomastoid and trapezius muscles and
capsule for submandibular gland. Below it is attached to
anterior surface of the clavicle and sternum, above – to the
edge of lower jaw, on each side gives connective-tissue
intersections to transverse process of cervical vertebras
which divide the neck into anterior and posterior departments.

3. Deep layer of propriate fascia of the neck (omoclavicular
aponeurosis of Rishe) places at anterior region between
hyoid bone from one side, clavicle and breast bone from
another. Lateral borders to this fascia are omohyoid
muscles. It forms sheaths for omohyoid, sternothyroid,
sternohyoid and thyrohyoid muscles. The second and the
third fascias grow together 3 cm higher than jugular incisure
on median line and form there white line of the neck (2 - 3
mm in width).
4. Endocervical fascia consists of two layers: parietal and
visceral. Parietal layer forms fascial compartment for the
basic neurovascular fascicle and surrounds all neck organs
together. Visceral – covers each organ separately (pharynx,
oesophagus. larynx, trachea, thyroid gland).
5. Prevertebral fascia covers sympathetic trunk and muscles
laying on bodies and transverse process of cervical vertebras
(mm. longus colli and longus capitis). It forms sheaths for
scalene muscles and neurovascular fascicle of lateral
triangle of the neck (subclavian vessels and brachial plexus).
In lateral departments prevertebral fascia is connected with
transverse process of cervical vertebras, below - passes into
endothoracic fascia.
 International classification of fascias of the neck:
1. Superficial fascia (corresponds to the second fascia by V.N.
2. Pretracheal fascia (corresponds to the third fascia by V.N.
3. Prevertebral fascia (corresponds to the fifth fascia by V.N.
4. Fascia of basic neurovascular fascicle of the neck.

10. Triangles of the neck. Practical significance.

Triangles of the neck and its practical significance
1. Medial triangle (bounded by edge of the lower jaw,
sternocleidomastoid muscle and median line of the neck):
 submandible triangle (bounded by edge of lower jaw,
anterior and posterior bellies of digastric muscle), its
contents: submandibular gland and same lymph nodes,
facial artery, lingual artery and hypoglossal nerve;
 carotid triangle (bounded by posterior belly of digastric,
anterior edge of sternocleidomastoid and superior belly of
omohyoid muscles), its contents: basic neurovascular
fascicle of the neck, including common carotid artery,
internal jugular vein and vagus nerve;
 omotracheal triangle (bounded by superior belly of
omohyoid, sternocleidomastoid muscles and median line of
the neck), its contents: common carotid artery, vertebral and
inferior thyroid vessels, vagus, sympathetic cardiac and
inferior laryngeal nerves, cervical ansa.
2. Lateral triangle (bounded by the clavicle, sternocleidomastoid
and trapezius muscles):
 omotrapezoid triangle (bounded by sternocleidomastoid,
lateral edge of trapezius and inferior belly of omohyoid
muscles), its contents: cervical plexus and its cutaneous
 omoclavicular triangle (bounded by sternocleidomastoid,
inferior belly of omohyoid muscles and the clavicle), its
contents: subclavian vessels, fascicles of brachial plexus,
thoracic duct.

11. Projections and topographic anatomy of neurovascular fascicles of the neck. Reflexogenic zones of the neck, practical significance.

Reflexogenic zones of the neck
Reflexogenic zones of the neck are the zones of increased
sensitivity. Injuries of this site during operations or outside forces can
result in development of traumatic shock. Reflexogenic zones of the
neck are following:
1. basic neurovascular fascicle of the neck (common carotid
artery, vagus nerve, internal jugular vein) is projected from
the point in the middle of distance between angle of lower
jaw and mastoid process to sternoclavicular joint;
2. carotid sinus reflexogenic zone (bifurcation of common
carotid artery) is projected by the upper edge of thyroid
cartilage 1 cm outside;
3. ganglions of the sympathetic trunk: the upper ganglion is
projected into transverse process of the third cervical
vertebra, the middle ganglion – to transverse process of the
sixth cervical vertebra, cervicothoracic ganglion – to neck of
the first rib;
4. cervical plexus is projected in the middle of posterior edge of
sternocleidomastoid muscle;
5. brachial plexus is projected between the middle and lower
third of posterior edge of sternocleidomastoid muscle;
6. subclavian artery and trunks of brachial plexus are projected
in the middle of the clavicle.

12. Topographic anatomy of neck organs: larynx, trachea, pharynx, esophagus, thyroid gland.

Larynx skeleton is formed by nine cartilages (three pair and three
unpaired). The basis of skeleton is cricoid cartilage located at the level
of the sixth cervical vertebra. Thyroid cartilage connected with hyoid
bone by hyothyreoid membrane is located above than cricoid cartilage.
Two cartilages are connected by cricothyreoid ligament and muscles.
1. upper (vestibule) – from epiglottis up to false vocal
2. middle (glottic space) – within false and true vocal ligament;
3. lower (subglottic space).
Skeletotopy. Larynx is located from the fourth to the lower edge of
sixth cervical vertebra.
Syntopy. In front it is covered by prelaryngeal muscles, from the
sides – lateral lobes of thyroid gland, from behind – pharynx; by the
upper part reaches a root of tongue, below passes into trachea.
Blood supply: branches of superior and inferior thyroid arteries.
Innervation: superior and inferior laryngeal nerves; branches of
sympathetic nerve.

Trachea consists of separate cartilage rings back wall of which is
replaced by membranous plate from dense connective tissue with
elastic and smooth muscle fibers. There are two parts in trachea:
cervical and thoracic. Cervical part consists of 6-8 cartilages.
Skeletotopy: from the lower edge of sixth cervical to the upper edge
of fifth thoracic vertebras where the place of tracheal bifurcation is
Syntopy. The initial part of trachea is covered in front by isthmus
of thyroid gland, from the sides – by its lobes. Below the gland
previsceral fat space is located. Esophagus is behind from trachea; at
jugular incisure common carotid arteries adjoin the organ.
Blood supply of the cervical part: branches of inferior thyroid
Innervation: recurrent laryngeal nerve.

1. upper (rhinopharynx) – from base of the skull up to hard
2. middle (oropharynx) – up to the body of hyoid bone.
3. lower (laryngopharynx) – up to esophagus.
Lymphoid tissue of oropharynx, rhinopharynx and organ’s
mucous layer is called lymphoid [Waldeyer's throat] ring and includes
single follicles, palatine, pharyngeal, lingual tonsils and tonsil of torus
Skeletotopy: from skull base to the lower edge of sixth cervical
Syntopy. Behind laryngopharynx long muscles of the neck are
located, in front - larynx, from the sides – upper poles of thyroid gland
and common carotid arteries.
Blood supply: ascending pharyngeal, ascending and descending
palatin, superior and inferior thyreoid arteries.
Innervation: vagus, glossopharyngeal and cervical sympathetic
nerves, which form pharyngeal plexus.

Parts: cervical, thoracic and abdominal.
Constrictions: in the begining, at tracheal bifurcation level, while
passing through diaphragm.
Skeletotopy: from the lower edge of sixth cervical to eleventh
thoracic vertebras.
Syntopy. In front of esophagus cricoid cartilage and trachea are
located; behind – spinal column and long muscles of the neck; from the
sides – lower poles of thyroid gland and common carotid artery. Within
the neck borders esophagus deviates to the left from median line
forming sulcus together with trachea, through which left recurrent
laryngeal nerve passes. The right one passes behind trachea, on lateral
surface of esophagus.
Blood supply: branches of inferior thyroid arteries.
Innervation: recurrent laryngeal nerves.

Thyroid gland
Thyroid gland consists of two lobes and isthmus. In each lobe
upper and lower poles are distinguished. Approximately in one third of
cases additional lobe passes upwards from isthmus of the gland –
pyramidal process. Sometimes the process is conected with lobes and
quite often reaches hyoid bone.
Thyroid gland has its own capsule in the form of thin fibrous
plate and fascial sheat which is formed by visceral layer of the fourth
fascia. Between the gland's capsule and its sheat light fat with nerves,
vessels and parathyroid glands are located.
Syntopy. Thyroid gland isthmus is located in front of trachea at
the level of first up to third (or from second up to fourth) rings, and
quite often covers part of cricoid cartilage. Lobes adjoin to trachea,
larynx, pharynx and esophagus and cover partially common carotid
artery. In front it is covered by muscles (sternohyoid, sternothyreoid
and omohyoid muscles).
Blood supply: superior and inferior thyroid arteries.
Innervation: from the sympathetic trunk and recurrent laryngeal

Parathyroid glands
Four parathyroid glands are located on the back side of thyroid
gland lobes between capsule and its fascial sheat. Upper glands lay at
the level of lower edge of cricoid bone; lower glands – one cross finger
higher than lower poles of the thyroid gland.

13. Fat spaces of the neck. Ways of pus distribution.

Fat spaces of the neck
Fat spaces of the neck are located between fascias and can be
divided into two groups – closed and communicating (open).

Closed fat spaces of the neck
1. Suprasternal interfascial space is located between the second
and the third fascias of the neck. Contents: jugular venous
arch connecting anterior jugular veins. It communicates with
Grubers’ cul-de-sacs - continuation of the space behind the
sternocleidomastoid muscle.
2. Fascial sac of the sternocleidomastoid muscle is located
between deep and superficial layers of the second fascia.
3. Submandible gland space is located between deep and
superficial layers of the second fascia and lower jaw.
Contents: submandible salivary gland, facial artery and vein,
lymphatic nodes.
4. Thyroid gland space is located between capsule of the thyroid
gland and visceral layer of the fourth fascia. Contents: terminal branches of thyroid arteries.
5. Prevertebral space is located between the fifth fascia and
vertebral bodies. Contents: long muscles of the head and
neck, sympathetic trunk.
Communicating fat spaces of the neck
1. Previsceral space is located between visceral and parietal
layers of the fourth fascia. Ways of pus distribution:
downwards to anterior mediastinum.
2. Retrovisceral space is located between parietal layer of the
fourth fascia and the fifth fascia. Ways of pus distribution:
downwards to posterior mediastinum.
3. Basic neurovascular fascicle space is formed by parietal layer
of the fourth fascia. Ways of pus distribution: downwards to anterior and posterior mediastinum, upwards to the skull
4. Lateral neck triangle space is located between the second and
the fifth fascias. Ways of pus distribution: in lateral direction
to the fat spaces of the shoulder girdle, downwards to
anterior mediastinum.

14. Levels and technique of ligation of carotid arteries. Ways of collateral circulation. Features of operations on veins of the neck.

Ligation of carotid arteries
Indications: injuries, aneurysms.
Approach: along the anterior edge of sternoclaidomastoid muscle
(ligation in carotid triangle).
 Ligation of common, external and internal carotid arteries is done
1-1.5 cm indent from carotid bifurcation:
 bifurcation is carotid sinus reflexogenic zone irritation of
which results in disorders of cerebral circulation;
 thrombus which is formed at the place of vessel ligation can
close bifurcation – the basic way of collateral circulation.
 External carotid artery is usually ligated distally from the origin of
the superior thyroid artery.

Collateral circulation
After ligature of the common carotid, the collateral circulation can be perfectly established, by the free communication which exists between the carotid arteries of opposite sides, both without and within the cranium, and by enlargement of the branches of the subclavian artery on the side corresponding to that on which the vessel has been tied.
The chief communications outside the skull take place between the superior and inferior thyroid arteries, and the deep cervical artery and the descending branch of the occipital artery; the vertebral artery takes the place of the internal carotid artery within the cranium.

The features of operations on veins of the neck
 profuse bleeding from veins of the neck (high blood pressure
arises at straining efforts and cough due to the fact that veins
grow together with fascias of the neck); operation is perforemed
only under total anesthesia;
 friability of veins; hemostatic forceps on vessels should not be
left in a wound and piercing instruments should not be used;
 danger of air embolism development (due to close location of
heart and and negative pressure in pleural cavity); anatomical
operating under direct vision (fist of all ligation of vein is done if
it is necessary to sect it).

 15. Operation of tracheostomy. Kinds, indications, technique, complications.

Tracheostomy is a section of tracheal wall with following
introduction of tracheal cannula into its lumen.
Three ways of tracheostomy are distinguished according to the
place of trachea section in relation to isthmus of thyroid gland:
1. upper – section of the 2-3rd tracheal rings over the isthmus of
thyroid gland (section of the 1st ring is not allowed, it can result in
trachea deformation);
2. middle – section of the 3-4th tracheal rings at the level of thyroid
isthmus (with its section);
3. lower – section of the 4-5th tracheal rings below the isthmus of
thyroid gland (often is performed in children, ‘cause the isthmus of
thyroid places is higher).
1. Mechanical asphyxia:
 foreign bodies of the upper respiratory tracts (when it is
impossible to remove them by direct laryngoscopy or
 disturbance of larynx and trachea patency at open and closed
 laryngeal stenosis in case of infectious diseases (diphtheria,
influenza [flu], pertussis [whooping cough]), inflammatory
diseases (angine [acute tonsillitis], laryngitis), tumors,
allergic edema.
2. Weakness of breathing – in case when longterm artificial
pulmonary ventilation is necessary (operations on heart, lungs,
craniocerebral trauma).
Patients position: patient lies on his back with swab under
shoulders (in emergent cases a patient sits throwing his head a little bit
back). The middle of the chin, middle of thyroid cartilage incisure,
middle of jugular incisure should be on one line.
Upper tracheostomy
 vertical incision of skin, subcutaneous fat and superficial fascia
taking the course of middle neck line from the middle of thyroid
cartilage downwards on 6-7 cm (also transverse incision can be
done at the level of cricoid cartilage);
 section of the “white line” of the neck in longitudinal direction;
 section of endocervical fascia;
 separation of thyroid gland isthmus from trachea; moving isthmus
down with a plane hook;
 fixation of larynx by sharp pronged laryngeal hook;
 section of the second or third tracheal rings directing scalpels
belly upwards from the isthmus to larynx (often trachea is sected
in cross direction between the second and third rings but not more
than half of its diameter to prevent injury of recurrent laryngeal
nerves); scalpel should be limited by plaster to remain 1 cm of its
cutting surface to prevent damage of tracheal back wall and esophagus;
 introduction of tracheal cannula and checking of its patency;
 suturing of fascias around tracheal cannula;
 loose closure of wound;
 fixation of tracheal cannula around the neck.
Advantages. Large approach to trachea due to its superficial
location and absence of large vessels in this place.
Disadvantages. Location of tracheal incision and cannula near by
cricoid cartilage and vocal apparatus.
Middle tracheostomy
Middle tracheostomy is done at wide isthmus of thyroid gland
when separation and displacement of it downwards cant be achived.
Isthmus is sected between forceps, both half of it are tied up and
capsule is sutured above them. The further stages of tracheostomy are
described above.
Lower tracheostomy
 vertical incision of skin, subcutaneous fat, superficial and
superficial layer of deep fascias from cricoid till jugular incisure;
 disconection of suprasternal interfascial fat space in a blunt way
and displacement of jugular venous arch downwards;
 section of deep layer of propriate fascia and endocervical fascia;
 ligation of vessels of previsceral space; separation of thyroid
gland isthmus from trachea and its displacement upwards in a
blunt way;
 section of the 4-5th tracheal rings (or between them) directing
scalpels belly upwards from breast bone to the isthmus to prevent
brachiocephalic trunk injury;
 the further stages of tracheostomy are described above in upper
Advantages. Stenosis of upper respiratory tracts and injury of
vocal apparatus occur infrequently.
Disadvantages. Danger of brachiocephalic trunk injury.
Complications of tracheostomy:
1. bleeding in case of blood vessels injury;
2. air embolism in case of neck veins injury;
3. incomplete section of tracheal wall leads to the detachment of
mucous layer by cannula;
4. injury of back tracheal wall and esophagus, when scalpel is
not limited;
5. injury of recurrent laryngeal nerves when transverse section
of trachea is done;
6. discrepancy between the length of incision of trachea and
diameter of cannula: when cannula is wider necrosis of
tracheal cartilage may occur, if it is narrower subcutaneous or
mediastinal emphysema may reveal;
7. respiratory standstill as the result of reflex bronchial spasm;
8. heart arrest as the result of tracheovagal reflex.

16. Operations on thyroid gland (resection, enucleation of the node). Stages. Complications and prevention of them.

Operations on the thyroid gland
The following kinds of operations on the thyroid gland are
1. resection;
2. enucleation of the node;
3. combination of resection and enucleation;
4. extirpation (total removal of gland in case of tumors).
The most often pathology of thyroid gland is diffuse thyrotoxic
goiter. The method of subtotal, subfascial resection developed by O.V.
Nikolaev in case of this disease is widely adopted. Postoperative
lethality and complications of surgical treatment of Graves' disease has
decreased due to its application.
Subtotal subfascial resection of thyroid gland by O.V. Nikolaev
Patients position: lies on his back with swab under shoulders.
 transverse incision of skin, subcutaneus fat and superficial fascia
1-1.5 cm above jugular incisure between anterior edges of
sternocleidomastoid muscles;
 longitudinal section of superficial and deep layers of propriate
fascias between sternohyoid and sternothyroid muscles;
 gripping by two surgical forceps, section and ligation of median
veins of the neck and anterior jugular veins located in or under
the second fascia;
 section of endocervical fascia;
 separation of thyroid gland from its capsule;
 section of thyroid gland isthmus between two surgical forceps;
 separation of poles of thyroid gland from its capsule;
 sequential subfascial and subcapsular grippins of thyroid gland
vessels and right lateral lobe excision;
 careful hemostasis;
 suturing of capsule by uninterrupted sutures;
 bathing of operational wound with novocain solution (for removal
of hormones which come out after thyroid gland section);
 removal of left lateral lobe of the thyroid gland by the same
 surgical revision, checking on hemostasis, layer by layer suturing.
This method allows avoiding complications connected with injury
of laryngeal nerves and parathyroid glands providing minimal
traumatisation of tissues due to ligation of thyroid vessels in space
between visceral layer of endocervical fascia and capsule of the gland.
By this way of removal blood supply of the remaining parts of gland is
very good and the risk of bleeding is minimal. Also probability of
revealing of myxedema is diminished as not whole gland is removed
1. bleeding;
2. recurrent laryngeal nerves injury with revealing of dysphonia
(in unilateral incision) and aphonia or asphyxia (in bilateral
3. removal of parathyroid glands (tetany);
4. tracheal or laryngeal injury in case of gland separation or its
goiter compression;
5. air embolism (cutting of veins after ligation);
6. thyreotoxic shock (not adequate bathing of operational
wound with novocain solution or postoperative drainage);
7. myxedema (at big amount gland tissue removal);
8. asphyxia (at big goiter leading to lysis of tracheal rings).

 17. Technique of drain of the retropharyngeal abscess. Incisions at phlegmons of the neck.

Lancing of retropharyngeal abscess
Approach – through mouth (intraoral).
Patients position – sitting.
1. the blade of scalpel should be wraped up with a gauze or limited by
a clamp, leaving only 1 cm of its sharp end in order to prevent an
injury of tissues of oral cavity;
2. vertical 2 cm incision is made in place of bulging of the pharynx
back wall;
3. to avoid an aspiration of pus it is necessary to stoop the patient's
head forward or to use aspirator.

Operations at abscesses and phlegmons of the neck
Abscesses and phlegmons of the neck more often appear after
purulent lymphadenitis developing as a result of carrying [bringing] of
infection at tonsillitis, inflammation of upper and lower jaws, oral
cavity, middle ear, nasal cavity.
Abscesses and phlegmons of the neck are divided into superficial
and deep. Besides complications of general character, deep
inflammatory focuses of the neck are dangerous by their distribution
into fat of anterior and posterior mediastinum. This fact can lead to
trachea compression or laryngeal edema, involving in process walls of
large vessels (profuse bleeding may occur) that quite often resulting in
fatal outcome.
The basic principle of abscesses and phlegmons of the neck
treatment is incision making in order to provide complete opening and
draining of pathological focus. The incision should be strictly level-by level.
After skin section other tissues are disconnected in a blunt way
(grooved probe, closed scissors) not to hurt changed blood vessels by
pathological process. Treatment of neck phlegmons depends on their

 18. Indications and technique of vagosympathetic block by Vishnevsky.

 Topographic anatomy and operative surgery of the chest

 1. Topographic anatomy of mammary gland. Lymphatic outflow. Ways of metastasis at cancer of mammary gland. Classification of mastitis, surgical treatment. Operations at cancer of mammary gland.

Mammary gland
Skeletotopy. It is located in the region of IIIrd to IVth ribs between
parasternal and anterior axillary lines.
Structure. Superficial fascia forms a capsula of mammary gland
and divides it into 15-20 lobules by fascial septums. Every lobule ends
with milk duct. Ducts go radially to the nipples’ area and pour together
forming milk sinuses. Sinuses are opened at the nipple with milk pores.
Blood supply: branches of internal and lateral thoracic, intercostal
arteries. Deep veins correspond to the same arteries, superficial – form
rich network with many anastomoses.
Innervation: lateral branches of intercostal nerves, branches of
cervical and brachial plexuses.
Limphatic outflow. Limphatic system of the female mammary
gland and location of regional nodes represent great practical interest in
connection with involvement of the organ into malignant process.
The main way of lymphatic outflow to axillary lymph nodes occurs
through three directions:
1. through anterior pectoral lymphatic nodes which are located
at the level of the 2nd-3rd ribs by external edge of the greater
pectoral muscle;
2. intrapectorally – through nodes between greater and small
pectoral muscles;
3. transpectorally – by lymphatic vessels passing through
greater and small pectoral muscles (nodes are located
between fibrs of muscles).
Additional ways of lymphatic outflow:
 from medial part – into nodes along the internal thoracic
artery and nodes of the anterior mediastinum;
 from upper part – into supraclavicular and infraclavicular
 from lower part – into nodes of abdominal cavity.
Operations on the mammary gland
Classification of suppurative mastitis:
1. superficial (premammary) mastitis developes in areolar zone or in
subcutaneous fat (between skin and capsule of the gland);
2. intramammary mastitis developes inside the gland (between
3. retromammary mastitis developes behind the gland (between
posterior layer of capsule and pectoral fascia).
In case of premammary mastitis paraoreolar incisions or sections
in radial direction are done not affecting areola and nipple,
disconecting skin and subcutaneous fat.
In intramammary mastitis incisions in radial direction are done
not affecting areola and nipple 6-7 cm in length. Stages:
 section of skin, subcutaneous fat, tissue of the gland;
 opening of pyogenic abscess;
 destruction of intersections in a blunt way with neighboring
abcesses for formation of the united cavity;
 removal of necrotic tissues;
 careful washing of abscess cavity by antiseptic solution;
 drainage.
In case of retromammary mastitis arched incision is done along
the underbreast fold, disconecting skin and subcutaneous fat. Then the
gland is scaled off from the deep fascia and pyogenic abscess should be
opened. The cavity of the abscess is also drainaged through additional
section in the opposite side from the place of operative approach.

Surgical treatment of mammary gland tumors
 Treatment of benign [innocent] tumors
Sectoral resection of mammary gland is removal of the affected
gland sector.

 Treatment of malignant tumors
A. Radical
 Standard radical mastectomy by Halsted is removal
of the mammary gland together with greater and
small pectoral muscles, fat and lymph nodes of
axillary, subclavian and scapular regions.
 Economical
 Radical mastectomy with preserving (saving) of
greater pectoral muscle by Peyti. It is removal of
the mammary gland together with small pectoral
muscle, fat and lymph nodes of axillary,
subclavian and scapular regions.
 Radical mastectomy by Madden is removal of the
mammary gland together with fat and lymph
nodes of axillary, subclavian and scapular
 Organopreserving
 Radical sectoral resection of the mammary gland
with lymphodissection – removal of a gland’s
sector together with fat and axillary lymph nodes,
subclavian and scapular regions.
B. Palliative
Simple [total] mastectomy is removal of mammary
gland. It is applied in tumor degradation (danger of
bleeding, sepsis from infected tumor) and evident pain

Breast cancer spread occurs through lymphatic and
hematogenous channels. Outer quadrant and centrally
located lesions typically spread first to the axillary nodes.
Those in the medial inner quadrants often travel first to
lymph nodes along the internal mammary arteries. More
distant dissemination eventually ensues, and can involve
virtually any organ or tissue in the body. Favored locations
are the lungs, skeleton, liver, adrenals, and (less commonly)
brain, but no site is exempt. Metastases may come to clinical
attention many years after apparent therapeutic control of the
primary lesion, sometimes as long as 15 years later. Nevertheless,
with each passing year without disease recurrence, the
likelihood of cure increases.

2. Topographic anatomy of intercostals space, pleural cavity, lungs. Pleuracentesis: indications, technique, complications.

Intercostal space is a space between over- and underlying ribs
bounded by external and internal intercostal muscles, containing fat
tissue with intercostal vessels and nerves.

External intercostal muscles are located between tubercles of ribs
and external edges of costal cartilages. In the region of costal cartilages
muscles are replaced by external fibrous intercostal membrane. The
direction of fibres of external intercostal muscles – from above
downwards and from behind to front.

Internal intercostal muscles are located between costal angle and
breast bone. From the costal angles till vertebral column muscles are
replaced by thin internal fibrous intercostal membrane. The direction
of fibres of internal intercostal muscles – from below upwards and
from behind to front.

Intercostal arteries can be divided into anterior (branches of
internal thoracic artery) and posterior (begin from thoracic aorta except
two superior arteries – start from costocervical trunk of subclavian

Intercostal vein is located higher and intercostal nerve lower than
artery. From the spinal column to the angle of the rib (to posterior
axillary line) intercostal fascicle passes in groove of rib and is covered
by the rib. To the front of posterior axillary line it goes from under the
rib. Because of topographoanatomical features of neurovascular
fascicle punctures of pleural cavity are done in VII-VIII intercostal
spaces by the upper edge of the rib between scapular and posterior

axillary lines.

Pleura forms two serous sacs. Between two layers (parietal and
visceral) there is small space – pleural cavity. Parietal pleura covers
internal walls of the thoracic cavity and bounds mediastinum. This way
three parts are distinguished in the parietal pleura: costal,
diaphragmatic and mediastinal. The places of pleural cavity which are
located between parts of parital pleura are called sinuses or recesses
(costodiaphragmatic, costomediastinal, phrenicomediastinal).
Visceral pleura covers lungs.
Three surfaces are distinguished in every lung: external or costal,
diaphragmatic and medial.
Each lung is divided into lobes. Three lobes are located in the
right lung (superior, middle and inferior) and two in the left lung
(superior and inferior). Lungs are also divided into segments.
Bronchopulmonary segment is a part of lung, which is ventilated by the
third order bronchus (segmental bronchus) and supplied by segmental
vessels. There are 10 segments in each lung.
Gates are located on medial surface of each lung. Anatomic
formations of lung root passes in them: bronchus, pulmonary arteries
and veins, bronchial vessels and nerves, lymph nods. Skeletotopy of
lungs' root: V-VII thoracic vertebras.
Syntopy of elements of lungs' root:
 top-down: right lung – primary bronchus, pulmonary artery,
pulmonary veins; left lung – pulmonary artery, primary
bronchus, pulmonary veins.
 front to back – pulmonary veins, pulmonary artery, primary
bronchus in each lung.

Pleuracentesis (puncture of pleural cavity)
1. specification of the diagnosis (for effusion character
2. removal of exudate in case of exudative pleuritis, hemo- or
3. removal of air in case of pneumothorax.
Patient’s position: sitting, leaning on back of chair, the hand from
the of puncture side is abducted behind the head.
 local infiltrative anesthesia of soft tissues;
 displacement of the skin downwards; 3-4 cm puncture by the
"closed needle" (at the end of the needle a rubber tube closed by
hemostatic forceps must be placed to prevent development of
pneumothorax) of intercostal spaces by the upper edge of the rib
(to prevent injury of intercostal neurovascular fascicle);
 in case of hydrothorax puncture is made in VII-VIII intercostal
spaces between scapular and posterior axillary lines (in case of
pneumothorax – in II intercostal space along medial clavicular
 the needle is placed on the syringe and contents is removed (fluid
is evacuated slowly by portions of 10-20 ml and no more than 1 l
at once).
1. injury of intercostal neurovascular fascicle;
2. injury of lungs, diaphragma, liver, spleen;
3. pleuropulmonary shock (in case of rapid evacuation of fluid);
4. pneumothorax (when punction is made with «unclosed»

 3. Topographic anatomy of organs of mediastinum.

Mediastinum is the complex of organs, vessels and nerves,
bounded by mediastinal pleura from sides, behind – by bodies of thoracic
vertebras and ribs, infront – by sternum, from below – by diaphragm,
above communicates with neck spaces.
1. Superior mediastinum is located from the upper border of thoracic
cavity to tracheal bifurcation.
Contents: arch of aorta; brachiocephalic trunk; left common
carotid artery; left subclavian artery; thymus; brachiocephalic
veins; superior vena cava; phrenic nerves; vagus nerves; recurrent
laryngeal nerves; trachea; esophagus; thoracic duct; paratracheal,
superior and inferior tracheobroncheal lymph nodes, fat.
2. Anterior mediastinum is located between sternum and pericardium
lower than tracheal bifurcation.
Contents: parasternal and superior phrenic lymph nodes; thymus
and internal thoracic arteries, fat.
3. Middle mediastinum
Contents: pericardium; heart; ascending aorta; pulmonary trunk;
pulmonary arteries and veins; primary bronchi; superior segment
of superior vena cava; phrenic nerves; pericardiacophrenic
arteries and veins; lymph nodes, fat.
4. Posterior mediastinum is located between pericardium and spinal
Contents: descending aorta; esophagus; vagus nerves;
sympathetic trunk and greater and lesser splanchnic nerves;
azygos vein; hemiazygos vein; thoracic duct; lymph nodes, fat.

 4. Pneumothorax. Kinds. First aid, first medical assistance and specialized treatment of pneumothorax.

Pneumothorax is accumulation of the air in the pleural cavity.
 external – air comes into the pleural cavity from outside through
the hole in the chest when parietal pleura is injured;
 internal – air comes into the pleural cavity through the wound of
bronchus or lung when visceral pleura is injured.
External and internal pneumothoraxes are divided into closed,
open and valvate one.
1. Closed. Single penetration of the air into the pleural cavity with
subsequent isolation of pleural cavity from outside environment.
2. Open. Circulation of the air in the pleural cavity, bilateral
communication between pleural cavity and outside environment
(air penetrates into pleural cavity during inspiration and leaves it
at expiration);
3. Valvate. Air passes only into the pleural cavity and doesn’t leave
it due to the valve. The most severe form of valvate pneumothorax
when the pressure in the pleural cavity becomes equal to
atmospheric or even higher is called pressure pneumothorax. In the
result the air can’t penetrate into the pleural cavity anymore. It
results in dislocation of mediastinum with compression of organs.

Treatment of pneoumothorax:
First aid: use of occlusive dressing onto the wound (in external
First medical assistance: treatment of pleuropulmonary shock;
pleurocentesis in cases of considerable air accumulation at risk of
patient’s death.
Specialized help
 In case of external pneumothorax initial surgical d-bridement with
tight wound closure should be used.
 In case of internal pneumothorax:
1. in closed pneumothorax if the lung is compressed more than
1/4 of its volume pleurocentesis is performed (small amount
of air (300-500 сm3) is spontaneously absorbed during 2-3
2. in open pneumothorax operation is directed on licvidation of
injury. Approach to the thoracic cavity and closure of the
wound of bronchus or lung is performed.
3. in valvate pneumothorax the principle of operation is
following: thoracotomy with suturing of bronchus or lung
wound and active or passive drainage of the pleural cavity.

 5. Resection of the rib. Kinds, indications, technique, complications.

Resection of the rib
1. subperiostal;
2. transperiostal.
Subperiostal resection of the rib
Indications: operative approach to pleural cavity and organs of
thoracic cavity at thoracoplasty; in osteomyelitis or tumors of the rib
when periosteum is not involved in the process; drainage of pleural
empyema and abscesses of the lung; as plastic material for osteoplasty.
Transperiosteal resection of the rib
Indications: osteomyelitis of the rib.
The feature of operation consists in impossibility to exfoliate
periosteum along the all extent from the involved part of the rib. The
essence of operation consists in separation of the rib from intercostal
muscles and resection of the involved part together with periosteum
and scar tissue.
 bleeding in case of intercostal vessels injury;
 pneumothorax in case of parietal pleura injury;
 hemopneumothorax in combined injury.

 6. Approaches to organs of the thoracic cavity.

Operative approaches to organs of thoracic cavity
Anterolateral thoracotomy – incision is done through the fourth
intercostal space from parasternal till posterior axillary line (section of
the third or fourth costal cartilages is done when it is necessary to
expand approach in pleural cavity or mediastinum).
Posterolateral thoracotomy – incision is done through the fourth
intercostal space from paravertebral till anterior axillary line (resection
of neck of III-IV ribs is done to expand approach in pleural cavity or
Lateral thoracotomy – incision is done along V-VI ribs from
paravertebral till medial clavicular line.
Longitudinal sternotomy – incision is started 2-3 cm higher than
manubrium of sternum and is finished 3-4 cm lower than xiphoid
Transverse sternotomy – section of sternum is done at the level of
IV intercostal space.

 7. Operations on the lungs: pneumotomy, pulmonectomy, resection (lobar, segmental).

Operations on lungs
1. single-stage pneumotomy is performed when there are adhesions
between parietal and visceral pleura;
2. double-stage pneumotomy is performed when there are no
adhesions between parietal and visceral pleura;
Indications: abscesses, caverns, foreign bodies of the lung.
 subperiosteal resection of the rib;
 section of periosteum;
 section of parietal pleura at the lewel of adhesions 6-8 cm in
length (at adhesions absence they must be formed by connection
of parietal and visceral pleura);
 puncture of abscess cavity by long needle with wide lumen;
 lancing of abscess along the needle;
 drainage.
 posterolateral approach;
 pneumolysis (separation of the lung from pleural adhesions);
 section of mediastinal pleura;
 sequential processing of elements of lung root (ligation of
structures): artery, vein and bronchus (at cancer – vein, artery,
 removal of the lung;
 checking the bronchial stump tightness (hermiticity) – pour
physiological saline into pleural cavity and blow out lungs,
watching blebs (bubbles);
 putting drainage into pleural cavity;
 wound closure.

8. Technique of wound closure of the heart. Pericardiocentesis. Concept about aortocoronary by-pass, balloon angioplasty, stentation and heart transplantation. Methods and complications.

Suturing of heart injuries
 approach is made by the course of wound canal;
 longitudinal section of pericardium in front of phrenic nerve;
 the wound is usualy closed by interrupted sutures (endocardium is
not sutured);
 revision of the opposite heart wall;
 removal grumes from pericardial cavity;
 loose closure of pericardium wound.

Indications: specification of the diagnosis or treatment of
exudative pericarditis.
Technique of pericardiocentesis by Larrey:
 puncture is done between xiphoid process and costal arch from
the left under corner 45° to the surface of human body on depth
1-1,5 cm by thick needle;
 than the needle is moved in parallel to the sternum into
anteroinferior part of pericardial cavity (till needle pulsation);
 removal of exudate from pericardial cavity.
Technique of pericardiocentesis by Marphan
 puncture is done under the top of xiphoid process out of internal
thoracic artery projection.

Surgical treatment of ischemic heart-disease
Closed methods include balloon dilatation, stenthation of
coronary arteries.
Open methods include aortocoronary bypass, implantation of
internal thoracic artery into myocardium, pericardiacocardiopexy,
omentocardiopexy, diaphragmocardiopexy, jejunocardiopexy, ligation
of internal thoracic arteries.
Stages of aortocoronary bypass:
1. operative approach to the heart (median sternotomy);
2. autograft intake (deep artery of thigh, inferior epigastric,
radial, gastroepiploic and internal thoracic arteries, great
saphenous vein);
3. connection of medical blood circulation apparatus;
4. anastomosis between aorta and coronary artery;
5. disconnection of medical blood circulation apparatus;
6. wound closure and drainage of pericardial cavity.

Heart transplantation
For the first time heart transplantation was made in 1967 by
Christian Bernard. The patient died 16 days after operation from
bilateral pneumonia and graft rejection.
Indications: end-stage heart failure, severe coronary artery
Period of conservation of the heart in clinic is not more than 3-4
hours. Heart selection for sizes is very important to prevent serious
inadequacy at creation of atrial and vascular anastomoses. The
extremely important method of research is echocardiography allowing
to estimate heart contractility and to reveal focal lesion of contractile
muscle function.
Kinds of heart transplantation:
 orthotopic procedure implies that the patient's own heart is
 heterotopic procedure implies that the patient's own heart is left in
to support the donor heart.
Technique of orthotopic heart transplantation:
 patient is attached to cardiopulmonary bypass;
 the failing heart is removed by transecting the great vessels and a
portion of the left atrium (major part of left atrium and all right
atrium with other vessels are not removed);
 suturing of donor heart in such sequence: left atrium, interatrial
septum, pulmonary artery, aorta;
 heart is restarted, the patient is weaned from cardiopulmonary
Post-operation survival period now averages 15 years.

 9. Topographic anatomy of diaphragm.

Diaphragm is musculotendinous formation, basis of which is wide
and thin muscle with cupula inverted upwards into thoracic cavity.
There are two parts in diaphragm: tendinous and muscular.
Tendinous part forms right and left cupulas and also cardiac
impression of diaphragm. Anterior, right and left lateral departments
are distinguished in it. Aperture for inferior vena cava is located in
anterior part.
Muscular part of diaphragm is divided into three departments:
lumbar, sternal and costal.
1. Lumbar part begins from four upper lumbar vertebras by right
and left crura of diaphragm. In lumbar part two apertures are
formed by crossing of crura as figure 8: aortic hiatus, through
which descending part of aorta and thoracic duct pass and
esophageal opening – esophagus and vagus nerves. Azygos and
hemiazygos veins, splanchnic nerves and sympathetic trunk pass
between muscular fascicles from sides of crura of the diaphragm.
2. Sternal part begins from internal surface of the xiphoid process.
3. Costal part begins from VII-XII ribs.
Weak areas:
 lumbocostal triangles (Bochdalek's gap) are located between
lumbar and costal parts of the diaphragm;
 sternocostal triangles are located between sternal and costal
parts of the diaphragm.
Endothoracic and endoabdominal fascias adjoin in these areas.
Diaphragmatic hernias and pus from subperitoneal fat can come into
subpleural space at destruction of fascial sheats by suppurative
processes through these weak areas. Esophageal opening is another
weak area of diaphragm.
Blood supply: internal thoracic, superior and inferior phrenic,
intercostal arteries.
Innervation: phrenic, intercostal, vagus and sympathetic nerves.

10. Concept about surgical treatment of acquired and congenital heart [valvular] diseases. Esophagoplasty.

Operations at heart deseases
Valvular insufficiency of tricuspid and mitral valves is a
replacement of the valve by mechanical or biological prosthesis.
Stenosis of tricuspid and mitral valves is valvuloprserving
operation: open commissurotomy and annuloplasty (restoration of
blocking function of mitral valve with the help of a rigid basic ring).
Atrial septal [atrioseptal] defect is suturing of a defect in patients
with presence pulmonary hypertension or plastics of septum by piece
from autopericardium (synthetic tissue) in case of large diameter of a
Ventricular septal defect.
 radical operation is defect closing by interapted sutures or plastics
of septum by piece from synthetic tissue or biological material at
great diameter of defect.
 palliative operation is contraction of pulmonary artery by a cuff
(it decreases blood shunting through defect and reduces volume
of pulmonary blood flow and pressure in pulmonary artery).
Non-closed arterial [Botallo's] duct is ligation of the duct by two
Coarctation of aorta is resection of the aorta at the site of
constriction with subsequent prosthetics by synthetic transplant or
making shunt between subclavian artery and aorta lower than place of

Surgical treatment of ischemic heart-disease
Closed methods include balloon dilatation, stenthation of
coronary arteries.
Open methods include aortocoronary bypass, implantation of
internal thoracic artery into myocardium, pericardiacocardiopexy,
omentocardiopexy, diaphragmocardiopexy, jejunocardiopexy, ligation
of internal thoracic arteries.
Stages of aortocoronary bypass:
1. operative approach to the heart (median sternotomy);
2. autograft intake (deep artery of thigh, inferior epigastric,
radial, gastroepiploic and internal thoracic arteries, great
saphenous vein);
3. connection of medical blood circulation apparatus;
4. anastomosis between aorta and coronary artery;
5. disconnection of medical blood circulation apparatus;
6. wound closure and drainage of pericardial cavity.

Heart transplantation
For the first time heart transplantation was made in 1967 by
Christian Bernard. The patient died 16 days after operation from
bilateral pneumonia and graft rejection.
Indications: end-stage heart failure, severe coronary artery
Period of conservation of the heart in clinic is not more than 3-4
hours. Heart selection for sizes is very important to prevent serious
inadequacy at creation of atrial and vascular anastomoses. The
extremely important method of research is echocardiography allowing
to estimate heart contractility and to reveal focal lesion of contractile
muscle function.

Kinds of heart transplantation:
orthotopic procedure implies that the patient's own heart is
heterotopic procedure implies that the patient's own heart is left in
to support the donor heart.
Technique of orthotopic heart transplantation:
patient is attached to cardiopulmonary bypass;
the failing heart is removed by transecting the great vessels and a
portion of the left atrium (major part of left atrium and all right
atrium with other vessels are not removed);
suturing of donor heart in such sequence: left atrium, interatrial
septum, pulmonary artery, aorta;
heart is restarted, the patient is weaned from cardiopulmonary

Post-operation survival period now averages 15 years.


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